considered state secrets 意味

  • 《be ~》国家機密{こっか きみつ}であると考えられている


        state secrets:    state secrets 枢密 すうみつ
        (the crime of) revealing state secrets:    (the crime of) revealing state secrets 秘密漏洩罪 ひみつろうせつざい
        expose state secrets:    国家{こっか}の機密{きみつ}を暴く
        illegally acquire state secrets:    国家機密{こっか きみつ}を不正{ふせい}に入手{にゅうしゅ}する
        leak state secrets:    国家機密を漏えいする I didn't realize it was a big state secret.
        state secrets law:    機密保護法{きみつ ほごほう}
        state secrets protection law:    機密保護法{きみつ ほごほう}
        secrets:    secrets 奥義 おうぎ おくぎ 密儀 みつぎ 秘奥 ひおう 万機 ばんき
        considered:    {形} : よく考えた、尊敬{そんけい}される -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《be ~》~と見なされている、~と見られている He was considered a suspect. In my country, I'm considered a hero. H
        considered to be:    《be ~》~であると考えられている[目されている] The company is considered to be a takeover possibility. The earthquake was considered to be a magnitude 8.0 to 8.5. I think that was considered to be the proper thing to d
        book of secrets:    秘伝書{ひでん しょ}
        carry secrets:    胸の内に秘密{ひみつ}を抱える
        disclosure of secrets:    秘密{ひみつ}の漏えい[漏泄{ろうせつ}]
        dive into the secrets of:    ~の奥義{おくぎ/おうぎ}を極める
        divulge secrets:    機密{きみつ}を漏らす


  1. "considered safe for use without medical supervision" 意味
  2. "considered satisfactory in terms of" 意味
  3. "considered separate issues" 意味
  4. "considered separately" 意味
  5. "considered solely from an ethical standpoint" 意味
  6. "considered taboo" 意味
  7. "considered the architect of the new terrorism" 意味
  8. "considered the head of family" 意味
  9. "considered the initial drug of choice" 意味
  10. "considered separately" 意味
  11. "considered solely from an ethical standpoint" 意味
  12. "considered taboo" 意味
  13. "considered the architect of the new terrorism" 意味

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